This month for our local business spotlight, Wilstock News caught up with Pete from ‘Big Apple Logistics’ which is a highly specialised International freight forwarder based in the heart of the west country.
Big Apple Logistics was set up five years ago by Pete Bunyan, a Stockmoor resident with over twenty years’ experience working at some of the world’s largest shipping and plant machinery companies specialising in moving very large machinery globally. Pete was becomingly increasingly frustrated with the “Square Peg, Round Hole” approach that the larger forwarders take to moving large machinery around the world and knew that he could offer his customers a solution that suited them better, both financially and logistically.
Becoming a father nearly six years ago was just the push that Pete needed to start his own company and so Big Apple Logistics was born. Pete named the company Big Apple because he initially had the idea of starting his own company whilst in New York and thought that the name worked well given that he was surrounded by cider orchards back home in Somerset. In fact, locally made cider is still Big Apple’s most popular corporate gift to this day and customers in countries such as Australia, USA, Finland and The Netherlands still ask when the next bottle is coming.
Big Apple also have some very good customers locally in the West Country and just over the Severn Bridge in Wales.
“We are always keen to work with the newer, emerging plant companies that are popping up all over the West Country as export is a vital part of their business as so many people give them terrible advice that costs them money” Pete told us recently.
“If you are based in the West Country and are exporting (or importing) heavy plant machinery, we really do need to have a socially distanced chat over a coffee and I promise you that my twenty years of experience coupled with my brutal honesty will help your business for the better.”
If you want to see some of the more impressive and interesting moves that Big Apple can talk about then head over to the Big Apple Logistics Facebook page. If you want to talk about making your import/export business more efficient then please do get in touch, the contact details are on the full page advert in the newsletter.
Pete, Becky & The Big Apple Team look forward to hearing from local businesses.